To enrol, or not to enrol, that is the question!

Our Shakey for Kids classes provide a fun, and unique introduction to the world’s greatest playwright! Our classes are held in a safe, comfortable, space and can be adapted to suit students of all ages, levels, and abilities. With our use of cleverly edited books and illustration designed for the youngest of readers, through to the original text for the more advanced pupils, all age groups can be catered for.

Even very young can benefit from exploring the exciting stories and moral tales written by our much-celebrated Bard. When Shakespeare’s plays are presented in an engaging and simple way, children soon become familiar with the fantastic characters, and the fabulous plots! By simplifying the language for young starters, we give them an advantage as they gain knowledge surrounding the stories and characters first. This method then leads children to progress further, exploring Shakespeare’s beautiful, rich use of language without feeling like they don’t understand it.

Our Shakey for Kids classes are also invaluable in terms of giving children a head start prior to studying Shakespeare at school where they often feel intimidated by it. Our use of colourful, fun, PowerPoint presentations, which include bright illustrations, really draw the attention of the child to the exciting elements of the plot. During our classes, we discuss the meanings behind the stories, then the children dress up in various costumes, and act out key scenes from Shakespeare’s most common and well-loved plays ‘Double, double, toil and trouble. Fire burn and cauldron bubble….’ They have great fun! We also offer group Zoom classes where appropriate.

Key benefits:

  • Broadens their minds and imaginations
  • Enriches vocabulary
  • Exposes them to diverse themes such as love, hate, power, ambition
  • Encourages them to develop empathy
  • The stories are exciting and timeless
  • Gives them an insight into different eras
  • Prompts thought surrounding human nature
  • Provokes the exploration of more complex plots
  • Improves reading and writing skills
  • Supports their studies at school
  • Removes the perception that Shakespeare is too difficult or challenging
  • They learn where countless everyday sayings and phrases come from!

If you would like to enrich your child’s learning whilst encouraging them to develop a love of Shakespeare, I highly recommend booking on our Shakey for Kids programme. Get children to fall in love with literature whilst learning all about the world’s greatest wordsmith.

Please see a quote from ‘National Shakespeare Week’ below along with an article from The Sunday Telegraph:

“Many British children encounter Shakespeare only in their teens as a mandatory subject studied for exams. Many grow up to regard Shakespeare as difficult, and not for them, and in turn are very unlikely to introduce their own youngsters to his works” (National Shakespeare Week).

Shakespeare gives children as young as three a confidence boost, RSC’s director of education tells The Sunday Telegraph – 4th February 2018. Exposing pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds to complex language allows them to become as eloquent as their privately educated peers, according to Jacqui O’Hanlon.

"No age is too young to start learning about the Bard", she said, adding that some schools begin teaching toddlers who are still in nursery. “They are learning new words all the time, every day. Shakespeare is just a new set of really gorgeous, delicious intriguing words,” Ms O’Hanlon told The Sunday Telegraph. “You ignite a curiosity about language, and that is a fantastic skillset”.

We offer both group classes and private lessons from ages 6-years to 16-years plus! Please see our fabulous messages of support from Sir Ian McKellen and the RSC below:

‘Dear Joanne Copeman, thanks for writing. I think the new directors of the Royal Shakespeare Company would be very interested, and perhaps helpful with your work.’

Sir Ian McKellen July 17th 2023

‘We would like to express our admiration for the work you are doing in Leicestershire. It is commendable and your values very much align with the work that our Learning and National Partnerships lead on within our Associate School Programme. We very much hope that Grays Drama Academy will be in touch with our learning team for resources.’

Georgia White – Head of National Partnerships, Royal Shakespeare Company, 15th August 2023